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Expedia Discount Codes for February 2025

Have a look through 7 tried and tested Expedia discount codes to see if you can save on flights, hotels and more today!


72 ratings with an average of 4 out of 5 stars



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Clock Icon Ends: 31 Jan 2026 147 used this month
View Terms & Conditions
View Terms & Conditions
  1. The £10 digital gift card giveaway (“Promotion”) is subject to the following terms and conditions. By entering the Promotion entrants will be deemed to have read and accepted these terms and conditions.
  2. The Promotion is organised and operated by Future Publishing Limited trading as My Voucher Codes incorporated in England and Wales under company number 02008885, whose registered office is Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, BA1 1UA (“Promoter”).
  3. The Promotion is open to all UK residents aged 18 years or over except employees of the Promoter, their families, agents and anyone else connected with the administration of the Promotion.
  4. The Promotion will run from 9 Oct 2024 00:00 until 31 Jan 2026 23:59 (“Promotion Period”).
  5. All entrants who during the Promotion Period: (i) subscribe to receive the Promoter’s electronic marketing; and (ii) Expedia confirms have spent £150 or more (Excluding all gift card purchases and top-ups and delivery or collection charges) at Expedia (the "Qualifying Purchase(s)") via the link provided on (“Promoter’s Website”) shall be eligible to receive a free £10 (“Gift Card(s)”).
  6. You will not be entitled to a Gift Card if you click on any other links or visit any other websites before making your purchase at Expedia or if you make use of any other offer or promotion in connection with your purchase which is provided by the Promoter or Expedia (including any discounts, codes, savings, credit and/or points).
  7. Only one (1) entry per entrant during the Promotion Period shall be accepted.
  8. Gift Cards redeemed against Expedia purchases will be available up to 90 working days after your confirmed date of travel.
  9. Gift Cards may be downloaded via the “member section” of the Promoter’s Website. Entrants should note that Gift Cards may expire after a certain date and their use may be subject to the retailer’s own terms and conditions.
  10. No entries from agents, third parties, organised groups or applications automatically generated by computers will be accepted. No incomplete or corrupted entries will be accepted. Any entries not made during the Promotion Period or otherwise in accordance with the entry instructions and these terms and conditions will be rejected.
  11. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute, in its sole discretion, the Gift Card with an alternative award of equal or greater value.
  12. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel the Gift Card in the event of: (i) the Qualifying Purchase being cancelled by {merchant name}; or (ii) the entrant cancelling, returning or part-exchanging the Qualifying Purchase.
  13. The Promoter reserves the right to ask for satisfactory proof of identity, age and/or address as a condition of awarding the Gift Card.
  14. The Promoter reserves the right to postpone, void, cancel, suspend, or amend the Promotion where it becomes necessary to do so. Any changes to the Promotion or these terms and conditions will be posted on the Promoter’s Website at
  15. Personal data submitted by entrants in connection with the Promotion will be processed by the Promoter in accordance with the Promoter’s privacy policy, which is available at
  16. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Promoter, its agents and/or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate entrants or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of use of the Gift Card except where caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents, distributors and/or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
  17. The Promotion and these terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.

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Clock Icon Ends: 06 Mar 2025 11 used this month
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Clock Icon Ends: 04 Dec 2025 35 used this month
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Clock Icon Ends: 05 Dec 2025 41 used this month
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Exclusions may apply

Offers for Expedia were last updated Thursday 20 February 2025 14:07

Expedia Codes That You've Missed





View Terms & Conditions
View Terms & Conditions

Subject to the restrictions set out in these terms and conditions and compliance with the Key Points above, the voucher code may be applied to a pre-pay stand-alone hotel only booking (not a hotel booking in combination with any other product such as flight + hotel or flight + hotel + car) made online through The voucher code can only be used for pre-pay bookings and cannot be redeemed against bookings which are paid at the destination. The voucher code cannot be redeemed against package bookings or cottage bookings. In the event that you make a booking for more than 1 identical room, the discount will apply only to one room (ie: if you book three rooms the discount will apply only to one of the three rooms and not to all rooms). Coupon cannot be redeemed against booking of properties on the exclusion list which may be accessed at The exclusion list may be amended from time to time without prior notice. Provided that you make your booking (the price of the travel reservation excluding any taxes, fees or additional costs) in one booking, the voucher code entitles you to 9% off the price of the relevant travel reservation before the application of any taxes, applicable fees or additional costs. The voucher code cannot be redeemed against taxes, supplier fees, cancellation or change penalties, administrative fees or other miscellaneous charges, which are the sole responsibility of the customer. Usual booking terms and conditions apply (see and all bookings are subject to availability. The voucher code is a single -use code and may not be used with other discount coupons, promotions or special offers. The voucher code cannot be used for any booking already made. It will be deemed fully redeemed once a qualifying booking has been made. The voucher code has no cash value and no refunds or cash alternative will be offered. There is no residual value and, therefore, no credit will be issued if the purchase amount is less than the voucher code discount. The voucher code may not be re-used, even in the event that you change or cancel the booking. The voucher code is personal to, and may only be used by, the intended recipient(s) who must be legal residents of the UK aged 18 and over. The voucher code may not be used by employees of Expedia group companies or any other person professionally connected with this promotion, including, without limitation, travel agency affiliate programme partners. Improper use of the voucher code by you, including, but not limited to, publication or selling of the voucher code, is prohibited and may constitute fraud. Expedia reserves the right to alter the voucher code conditions of use or to withdraw the voucher code at any time. Expedia’s decision is final in all matters relating to this promotion. Expedia, Inc., a Washington corporation located at 333 108th Avenue NE, Bellevue, WA 98004, USA, is the promoter of this offer. All references to Expedia in these terms is to Expedia, Inc. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England.


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Code Limited Code

What are Expedia's popular discount codes and deals?

Offer Description Expires Discount Type
Exclusive 8% off when using this Expedia discount code Voucher Code
Exclusive Free £10 Amazon Voucher with orders over £150 Reward
Enjoy 10% off with One Key membership at Expedia Deal
Get OneKeyCash on eligible flights, hotels, cars, and more at Expedia Deal
Stay at London hotels from just £60/per night at Expedia Deal

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About Expedia

Launched in 2001, Expedia has become one of the world’s leading full-service online travel brands. They believe that travel is a force for good and that customers should be able to find the right trip for the best price.

From Corfu and Santorini to destinations further afield, such as New York and Rio de Janeiro, there are endless possibilities when selecting where you want to travel. Alongside standalone flights and accommodation, Expedia also provides package holidays and other add-ons like car hire and insurance.

Booking FAQs

Can I book now and pay later?

Yes, you can. Expedia offers a wide selection of hotels that give you the option to buy now and pay later. You’ll simply need to pay on arrival or pay when you've checked out and have finished your holiday.

How do I make changes to my Expedia booking?

Should you want to change your booking, please contact Expedia directly. There may be fees to pay to make changes and the total cost will depend entirely on your booking type. For more information, you can check out their dedicated Manage your Booking page.

Can I cancel my Expedia booking?

Yes, you can. If you wish to cancel your Expedia flight, hotel or both, just head to the 'Manage Bookings' area on the Expedia UK website. Please contact Expedia directly if there isn't an option to cancel your reservation.

Rewards FAQs

What are Expedia Rewards?

Expedia Rewards is a free and exclusive programme which makes travelling more enjoyable. By signing up, you’ll get access to perks such as special member prices, points for future travel and plenty more!

How does it work?

If you’ve signed up for a membership, you’ll earn points or ‘Trip Elements’ with Expedia every time you make a booking. This includes bookings made for hotels, flights, packages, activities and cars. The more you book, the more Trip Elements you’ll earn and therefore the more you can save! There are three unlockable tiers to the Expedia Rewards programme; Blue, Silver and Gold and each come with their own perks.

How do I sign up for Expedia Rewards?

Joining Expedia Rewards is easy and completely free. To sign up, you’ll need to head online, select the ‘Sign In’ tab and then click on ‘Expedia Rewards’. From here, you’ll need to fill in some information in order to create an account (you can opt in or out of the Expedia newsletter here too). Once your account has been set up, you’ll be a member and will start benefiting immediately.

Can I use Nectar points on Expedia and what can I spend them on?

Yes, you can. You can spend Nectar points on Pay Now hotels, flights, Flight + Hotel bookings and Flight + Hotel + Car bookings. You can also earn Nectar points with every booking. For more information, be sure to check out the Expedia Customer Service Portal.

Other FAQs

Should I get travel insurance before I travel?

It is always recommended to purchase travel insurance, as it protects you against costs incurred for emergencies, damages and injuries whilst you're away

How do I contact Expedia?

You can give the Customer Service team a call on 020 3788 0445. However, the best way to get in touch is by using their online Virtual Agent. Here, you’ll be able to get information on cancelling and amending bookings and much, much more. You will eventually be put through to a real agent, should you click through and follow the in-chat instructions.

How to use your Expedia discount code

 A screenshot of the Expedia website showing users how to use their discount code with the 'Use a coupon, credit or promotion code' box highlighted.
  1. Select an Expedia discount code from the MyVoucherCodes website.

  2. Click the 'Get code' or 'Get discount' button and copy the code. A new tab will automatically open, taking you to the Expedia website.

  3. Add your selected items to your online shopping basket, remembering any extras such as car hire or travel insurance.

  4. Once you've got everything you want, proceed to the checkout.

  5. Paste your Expedia discount code into the 'Use a coupon, credit or promotion code' box to secure your savings.

How do we source discount codes?

At MyVoucherCodes, we’re lucky to have a team of hard-working individuals who are dedicated to finding you the best possible discount codes, deals and offers that are currently available. We also work closely with retailers to secure exclusive promotions; providing you with unique savings that you won’t find anywhere else.

We keep in touch with retailers and brands

Based in London, our Commercial team is a key part of everything we do. They know the industry, and they work tirelessly to build relationships with big-name retailers in order to secure exclusive offers and rewards that are then passed on to our customers. They keep their ear to the ground for any upcoming offers and sale events too, meaning we’re always ahead of the game when it comes to updating our website.

Our team scours the web for discounts

They work in tandem with our Deal Experts, who can be found at our Cardiff office. These deal-finding wizards scour the web for all of the best discounts and promotions around, before loading them onto our website for customers to enjoy. They also work closely with affiliate networks that keep us informed of the latest offers for the retailers they represent. Our dedicated retailer pages are updated at least twice a week, meaning you can be confident that the voucher codes you’re seeing are up-to-date and valid.

We share our money-saving knowledge

On our retailer pages, you’ll notice in-depth information about the brand and researched hints and tips on how to save money when shopping online. This is where our Category Editors come in - they know a thing or two when it comes to savvy shopping. From technology, health & beauty and fashion to food & drink, home & garden and travel, they keep all pages up to date with content that is designed to make your shopping experience that little bit easier and to help you save money in the process. For more information on the MyVoucherCodes team and the company as a whole, be sure to check out our About Us page.

What if my discount code doesn't work?

As a collaborative team, we do our best to ensure that incorrect or outdated discount codes and offers aren’t listed on any of our retailer pages. To do this, we test the codes ourselves to make sure that they work and aim to give as much guidance as possible with regard to how they are supposed to be used.

However, sometimes details change or codes expire without us knowing. If you find this to be the case, you can get in touch by emailing or by visiting our contact page.

How we make money

Using our discount codes is totally free, although we understand that this may seem too good to be true. Like all businesses, we need to make money, and we do this via commission-based relationships with brands and retailers - we earn a small percentage from the retailer every time someone uses a code on our website or clicks through to a sale.

We also make money by offering the brands we work with the chance to buy some extra space on our website, in turn giving more exposure to their biggest and best discounts. And that’s it! By using this model, we’re able to do what we do without charging our customers a penny.

MyVoucherCodes is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.